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Facilites and Equipment

Huang group established a world-class platform for organic inorganic hybrid electronic nanomaterial synthesis, materials characterization, device fabrication and device characterization, which comprise of five fully renovated research labs (Lab A, B, C, D, E), two student offices, one break/conference room, with a total area of >5000 sqft. Here shows a glimpse of Lab A.

UNC Kenan Labs_K Isaacs (4).jpg

Material Synthesis & Fabrication

Chemical synthesis

Fume hoods (6) 8 feet or 6 feet

Fume hood---Air science Purair ALF

Fume hood---Air science LF Series

Rotary evaporator---Buchi Interface I-300

Centrifuge----Beijing Era Beili Centrifuge Co., LTD

Schlenk system in chemical hood

Ultrasonic sonicator---Branson

Ultrasonic processor---Cole-Parmer 130-Watt


Thin film deposition by solution process

Slot die coater 1

Slot die coater 2

A blade coater in flow hood--- Flow science

A blade coater in walk-in fume hood

Double length glovebox with four gloves----MBraun

Gloveboxes with two gloves----MBraun

Gloveboxes with three gloves----MBraun

Double sided glovebox with slot die coater, a blade coater and a spin coater----MBraun

Glovebox with a spin coater----Vac

Glovebox with a spin coater----Vigor

Gloveboxes with two gloves 

Oxygen glovebox

Glovebox with humidity control


Thin film deposition by vacuum process

Angstrom thermal evaporation 1---COVAP II

Edward thermal evaporation---Edwards E306A

Angstrom thermal evaporation 2---NEXDEP 

Angstrom thermal evaporation 3---NEXDEP with tall chamber

Thermal evaporation in MBraun glovebox

Magnetron sputtering---- Kurt Lesker PVD 75 PRO Line

Atom layer deposition---Veeco/Cambridge Nanotech Savannah S200


Material processing


Ball miller---Eura Drives

Heat press---MP170

UVO cleaner---Jelight 144AX

Plasma Etch---PE25-JW


Vacuum Oven---SGZX-6020

Electric hot rolling pressing machine


Device fabrication and encapsulation

PV Module laminator LAB-LAMINATOR L036LAB

Wire bonder

Screen printer

Excimer Laser Scriber

Semiconductor Laser Scriber


Material Characterization Spectroscopy

X-ray diffraction ---Rigaku MiniFlex

Profilometer---Dektak XT

Fluorescence microscopy---Olympus AX70

Portable fiber optic spectrometer---Ocean optics

FT-IR spectrometer ---Spectrum Two

TRPL and TRPL mapping ---Fluo time 300 and Micro Time 100  

Time-Resolved Photoluminescence---HORIBA Dleta Flex

Photoluminescenc spectrometer ---iHR320

UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer---LAMBDA 1050

UV-Visible spectrophotometer ---Thermo Scientific Evolution 201



Device & Material Characterization

Solar simulator---Sol3A Class AAA

Solar simulator---Oriel instrument

Solar simulator---Sciencetech SF 300-A

Large area LED solar simulator

Light beam induced current system

IPCE (EQE) system

Stability MPP tracking System---Enli Technology Co. Ltd

Environmental Chamber for stability testing---espec

Keithley 2400 (10)

Keithley 2601

Keithley 4200A-SCS

Probe Station---Lake Shore 

Linkam  Microscope Temperature Stag

Home-made Probe Station

Lock-in Amplifiers---Model SR830 and Model SR850 

Low-Noise Preamplifier---Model SR560

Low-Noise Current Preamplifier---Model SR570

LCR Meter---Keysight E4980A

Oscilloscope with signal generator---Agilent Technologies DSO-X 3104A

Dynamic signal analyzer---35670A Aligent 

Function generator---Protek B8020FD 

Small X-Y scanning stage---PI MP139EK

Large X-Y scanning stage---Vexta pk 245‑01AA


X-ray/Gamma ray Characterization

Pulsed X-ray source---Normad Pro2

Continuous X-ray source --- Comet 

X-ray dosimeter---Raysafe X2 Solo

X-ray Chamber 1 (120 keV)

X-ray Chamber 2 (225 keV)

Gamma-ray spectrum system 

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